Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Getting Ready for the Toof Fairy!

For a couple of weeks, Jake has mentioned that his "toof" hurt, and he pointed to his bottom front tooth on the right. When he'd let me, I'd check to see if it was loose and it never was. I still thought the permanent tooth was working on pushing the baby tooth out. The other morning, he said to me, "My toof is loose!" I checked it and told him I thought it was and how great that was! I must have been overly excited because he started to cry and said, "This can't be happening!" Poor little guy was pretty upset that he was going to lose a tooth.

Later that same day, I asked him if I could check it again and at the angle I was, I saw this!

Yep, his permanent tooth is coming in behind the baby tooth. You would not believe the bribing I had to do to get this picture! Anyway, after some on-line searching and a call to the dentist, we're letting nature take it's course. Of course, I tried to persuade the boy to start wiggling that baby tooth, but promptly was told "no way." Geez....I'm really looking forward to playing "Toof Fairy" and my kid can't even be persuaded to wiggle the thing even after I offered him a new SpongeBob movie!

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